Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Back to School Breakfast Prep

The time has come, even earlier than I was expecting... Back to school aka back to werk, werk, werk, werk, werk. 

(The parking at my job is super limited - 
cheers to a new building in 2018!) 

And while I have secretly been missing my kids and normalcy (I know, I'm crazy), I have been loving having my summer off and having spare time to do fun things like this! 

I had this idea come to me earlier this week after getting groceries and I am so excited about the outcome. I bought a dozen and a half eggs and had the thought to hard boil a bunch and then just keep the others for miscellaneous use. I also bought sourdough rounds because who doesn't love sourdough...my mother...but once they were in the fridge I put two and two together and this afternoon prepped 10 days worth of breakfast in under an hour! #winning

 One of my favorite ways to start the day is with something savory and warm and most of the time it is eggs, but only on days where I have an extra 15 minutes or so. I need time to prep the eggs or veggies and then cheese, etc. and I hate leaving dishes on the stove so time to rinse the dishes before rushing out the door. That said, if you'd like to have an extra 15 minutes for sleep, showering, makeup, etc., you're in luck! For this meal prep, I used the ingredients below but feel free to use whatever is in your fridge!

My wonderful, sourdough-hating mom also bought me a set of pots and pans a few years ago that came with the most perfectly tiny egg pan. If you don't have one of these, I'm afraid your prep time may be a bit longer but should still be doable!

Then create your own concoctions of whatever ingredients you would like. I would have one egg cooking and have another one cracked, mixed and dump topping inside a mason jar until the cooked egg was done. Like the nerd that I am, I wrote down what toppings were in each patty so I could label accordingly when it came time for freezing. 


                            ( Ham, Asparagus, Asiago)                            
(Peppers, Kale, Onion)

Once cooked, I set aside and stacked them in order. I then referenced the list with the ingredients and labeled each baggie.

Now I have a delicious and healthy breakfast to help get me out of bed for the next two weeks. Simply reheat and enjoy! I recommend topping with fresh avocado, salsa or toasting a slice of bread to eat these with! Quick and easy and next to no clean up!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

DIY Farmhouse Sign

Alright y'all, I along with the rest of civilization, like to save a buck or two and am a total sucker for all things DIY. Luckily, I have a handsome contractor/handyman for the big DIY projects, but I'm a loose cannon when it comes to the crafty things.

I got an itch this weekend to find something farmhouse to add to my current transition inside my home. All the beautiful signs I have been seeing on Pinterest sparked a little inspiration, so I set out to a few second-hand stores to see what I could do and for cheap!

 I ended up finding this for $1.00 and I instantly saw "Farm Fresh" something all over it. The burlap was the perfect accent and for that price, I was sold!

I started by removing the black gems and sanding down the surface. After wiping clean, I painted the surface a creamy white by mixing some white gesso and some brown and yellow accrylic paints I had from a college class I took a few years ago. Like I said, the less I have to spend, the happier the outcome!

Out of all the beauties out there, I ended up using this as an example from Pinterest. As much as I would have loved a "Farm Fresh Egg" sign and love the idea of chickens, I am slightly scared of them and didn't want the flack from any chicken owners! But... I do have a garden (pumpkins, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, peppers) outside during the summer so figured this would suit perfectly. :) I then free-handed the lettering onto the fresh surface. 

I got a little excited with how it looked that I started to paint right away. After I finished, I noticed some spacing and linear imperfections and wished I would have noticed before painting the lettering.

Overall, for a lazy afternoon and $1.00, I am pleased with the outcome! I can't wait until the warm weather comes and I can start prepping my yard for the garden again. Think Spring!

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